If you are looking to make a man regret losing you, chances are he is the one who left you.

He hurt your feelings and walked away from you.

He made you feel unworthy of love and not good enough.

He made you believe that he can do better without you, he may even have left you for another woman after you have given him your all.

We have all been in that situation once in our lives and the first reaction most of us have is to try and win him back.

Eventually, we lose all hope of rekindling the romance and some of us turn into revenge mode and want to do as much damage as we can.

While causing damage might get you some quick and short-term satisfaction, this is not how you are going to make him realize what he had and regret leaving you.

He will probably resent you even more and start despising you.

Instead, there is something much more powerful that does not leave any man indifferent and will make him realize what a unique person he had and will make him regret losing you and leaving you in the first place.

That one thing plays on a man’s ego like nothing else, which is the most powerful force that drives a man’s entire life.

The best revenge is massive success – Frank Sinatra

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The only thing that would make a man regret losing you is if you level up every inch of yourself and replace him with a better man than he is ( a high value man preferably).

That’s when he might even want you back.

You need to understand that the reason he left you in the first place is that he perceived you as low value, not good enough for him.

So by getting with someone better than him, you send the strongest signal that you are of higher value than he thought because someone better than him thinks you are by being with you…you get me?

Being with a high value man alone will mess up with his mind and drive him to even question his own judgment and doubt his process of thinking.

Nothing will shake a man’s ego more than being replaced by a higher status man, someone with more money, of a higher social status, or a better career and overall more successful than him.

When you understand that concept, you realize that there is no need to chase behind a man when he leaves and all you need to do is to channel all your sadness into bettering yourself so that you can attract a higher value man.

You need to turn all your focus inwards and immediately upgrade on him by dating a better man and watch him run back to you.

That is why it is advised to always be and stay at your best especially when you are in a relationship and not let go of yourself because you never know when your man might leave you.

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And if he suddenly does, you find yourself ready to get to the next better one.

it is a sad reality that we all have to face that you can never really settle in a relationship and believe in the happily ever after because there is always a possibility that he leaves, be in 0.00001%, but it’s a reality and you need to be prepared for it.

I learned that the hard way when my man left me.

It took me a while to get back on track.

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Moral of the story:

Don’t make my mistake and be always ready to get better every time you are left by someone.

People will come and go in your life and that goes for your romantic partners too until you eventually find someone who will be a perfect match and would want to commit to you.

The only mindset that will get you ahead in life is to not cry over your losses but immediately look for a better opportunity.

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When you are ready, If you want to step up your dating and relationship game, if you want to learn how to become a high value woman that men adore, check out this self help program.

This program will help you understand the complex dynamics of romantic relationships and show you how to transform yourself in order to become high value.

It will take you deep into a man’s mind and psychology and will demystify what men really want and need in a woman.

You will be better equipped after the program to create the loving and secure relationship of your dreams. Check it out here.

Also, grab your FREE “Attraction triggers in a man” guide.


Thanks for reading this post,

The Secret To Making A Man Fall In love With You ==> His Secret Obsession
How To Drive A Man Wild About You==> Language Of Desire
How To Make Him Into You Through Texts ==> Text Chemistry