Dating Relationships

6 Ways To Develop Confidence As A Woman

Women love confident men, but did you know that men also love confident women? Yes, confidence is attractive irrespective of gender, but confidence in women is not the same as confidence in men. Women’s confidence emanates from a different energy than men’s confidence. Women’s confidence comes from feminine energy while men’s confidence comes from masculine …

Dating High value woman Relationships Uncategorized

4 High Value Boundaries We Must Set In Relationships

Boundaries are such an important topic because they are one of the important pillars of self-love. Boundaries are about protection. We set boundaries to protect ourselves emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually from all kinds of attacks and abuse. Having or not having boundaries is the sort of thing that makes people either respect you or …


20 Situationship Quotes

Situationships suck. There is no other way to put it. Here are 20 situationship quotes that will fire you up to leave your situationship behind:   Always remember, someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you.   One day she’ll start sending you mixed signals, and you’ll get mad because she finally learned …