Mysterious women are intriguing, naturally seductive, alluring, and highly attractive. Why? Because people are more attracted to what they cannot grasp, what they cannot fully comprehend, and what leaves doors open to imagination and wonder. …But most importantly, people are bored and not attracted to what has become common knowledge, not exclusive, no longer enigmatic. …
My best dating advice
5 Reasons He Stopped Chasing You
“He pursued me at first, then suddenly he stopped chasing me and pulled away” Does that sound familiar? The fact that he pursued you for a period of time is already a good sign and an indication that he was interested in you at first. So what happened? What made him make a U-turn and …
6 Ways To Make A Man Pursue You
Men are compelled to chase feminine women, not because they make an intellectual decision that they want to pursue a feminine woman, but because they are biologically attracted to feminine energy. It’s in their DNA. Why? Because it reinforced their own masculine energy. In other words, they feel more into their masculine self, they feel …
12 Qualities Men Are Looking For In A Future Wife
Men look for very different things in a woman when they want to marry or for a long-term relationship compared to when they are casually dating. For example, physical attraction may be the #1 factor men assess women upon when casually dating or in short-term encounters, but the physical attraction will need to be combined …
How To NOT Look Desperate In Dating
What makes you look desperate to a guy and how to show interest in a guy without looking desperate? You probably ask yourself the question because… you know or you were told it’s unattractive or, you were desperate before and it drove away from the guys you liked. Am I correct? Don’t worry, as someone …
12 Words That Men Can’t Resist
The hero instinct 12 words are a list of powerful “signals” that trigger a man’s hero instinct and result in a powerful love response from your man. These phrases have been tested on many guys and have been proven to tap into his inner hard-wired drive to be someone’s hero. All the signals are designed …
5 Worst Dating Mistakes Made By Women That Keep Them Single
This post is all about the top mistakes that I find women make in dating that keep them single in perpetuity. Reflect on the below list and remind yourself not to make these mistakes and you will see a change in no time. 1. Looking for someone so that you can finally be happy …
7 Mixed Signals From Men In Dating
Are you getting mixed signals from a guy? Are you confused by his attitude? Do you keep wondering how he really feels about you because his words don’t match his actions? Do you find yourself trying to guess the meaning of what he says because he made it so unclear? In today’s dating scene, it …
50 Ice Breaking First Date Questions For Him
I nailed down a list of 50 Ice Breaking first date questions that are perfect to help you get to know your date. General 1. What do you like to do in your spare time? 2. Who is the most fascinating person you ever met? 3. What is your favorite movie? 4. What are …
How To Protect Your Feelings From Being Ghosted
The first time I was ghosted, I was totally unprepared for it. Ghosting wasn’t as common as it is today ( people still had some decency to them back then), so I had no idea what just happened then. I kept trying to reach out, by all means, I had to my disposal until I …