Did an ex just text you or left a missed call? “Why is he getting in touch?” “What does he want from me?” “Is he possibly still in love with me?” …You might be wondering. Don’t get too excited just yet. A man who comes back after months or even years of breaking up with …
My best dating advice
Why You Must Love Yourself First In Order To Find Love
There is an old saying that goes “you have to love yourself first before someone else can love you”. I heard that phrase a number of times being told to someone struggling to find love. I was even told this exact phrase myself when I was perpetuating toxic relationship patterns in my life, not having …
How To Keep A Guy Interested: 9 Secrets To Keep Him Hooked
At the start of the dating process, interest levels are usually high on both sides. Everything about one another is new and waiting to be discovered uncovered, but how do you make sure you keep your guy interested in the long run when men are reputed to have a very low-interest span? This question comes …
Dos And Don’ts On A First Date For Women
A first date can be really exciting when you are actively looking to meet new people to find love but we all know that they are also primed to be awkward and even terrifying to some people by their very nature. Going on a first date with someone new is never easy ( unless you …
Why Successful Women Struggle To Find Love And What To Do About It
In the era of fast consumption and right/left swipes, everyone is struggling to find true love, but highly successful women seem to have the hardest time dating and finding love. Why is that? Why do successful women struggle with dating? Are they just particularly unlucky? Why is that that women who know how to get …
8 Signs Of A FuckBoy
With the avenu of dating apps came the golden age of fuckboys. It has never been easier to meet as many people as you can via social media and dating apps. This makes for a perfect playground of fuckboys ( players, douchebags, time-wasters, whatever you want to call them) disguising into normal people looking for …
50 Good Morning Texts To Make Him Feel Loved
Looking for some sweet romantic good morning text messages to send to your man and make him feel special? I’ve got you covered in this post. Whether you live together or you are in a long-distance relationship, if you don’t get to see your significant other every day, a good morning text message is the …
When A Guy Likes You But He Does Not Want To Date You
Let me guess, he likes you but he does not seem to want to date you !!! So you have been seeing this guy and he seems to like you and he wants to spend time with you but you are not quite sure what is going on with him. He does not seem to …
What To Do When Your Man Won’t Propose
It is only normal to expect a man to propose to you when you have been in an exclusive relationship for quite some time ( a few years). But here you are, waiting around while he is taking forever to pop the question. Some women are happy to keep the status quo because they are …
How To Stay High Value When A Man Pulls Away
So you met this guy who you really like and he seems to like you back. You went on one date or two and you felt you too had connected. But suddenly, he is starting to take hours if not days to respond to your texts and return your calls. You can feel he is …