Is it not always possible to get an ex back, especially if the relationship was too damaged, or too much time has passed since you split. But it does not mean that you should not try, many happy couples have split at least once in their relationship and when they got back together, their love …
Love Life
What Men Really Want From A Woman
Did you also grow up thinking that men are looking for a perfect woman? How much time do you spend trying to be the kind of woman you think men want? If you’re like most women, it’s a LOT. You spend all this time making yourself look sexy and attractive. All this time presenting yourself …
15 Signs It Is Time To Break up
Not all relationships are meant to be forever. Some relationships simply won’t stand the test of time and will eventually fail. Yet a breakup is not always the obvious outcome to many unhappy couples. Breakups are never an easy thing to do and some people can spend months or even years ignoring the signs that …
10 Signs He No Longer Loves You
Are you wondering why he doesn’t love you anymore? Probably the most painful realization a woman can come to in a relationship is that her man no longer loves her. As unexpected love can come to us, it can also fade away unexpectedly, for no logical reason…that is just life. One thing I know for …
11 Signs A Man Really Likes You
Can you tell if a guy is into you without him admitting it to you? What are the signs that a guy likes you? “Is he really into me? Or is he just being nice?” Most men will not come out and tell you they like you or that they want to be with you. …
How To Make Your Man Miss You Like Crazy
If you can make someone miss you when you are not around you, you will be on your way to becoming his one and only. But can you really make someone miss you? Yes, you can if you make yourself indispensable to his happiness. Follow these 10 simple tips that I am going to talk about …
Why Men Pull Away And What To Do When It Happens
Is the man you are dating or even in a relationship with pulling aware? and is your mind racing with questions to which you have no answers right now? Questions like: Why is he pulling away? Did he lose interest? Did he meet someone new? Did you do something to push him away? Is he …
55 Red Flags To Watch Out For In A Man When Dating
It is often possible to spot potential trouble ( and make the decision to avoid it) early on in the dating process if we pay careful attention to behaviors, actions, and words of men and not let our emotions cause us to have a foggy vision. I put together a list of 49 red flags …
12 Warning Signs He Is Not Serious About You
It is never easy to admit that a guy is not serious about us, especially if we are very much into him, but I learned the hard way that it is better to spot someone who has no intention to be serious with me sooner rather than later. I could have called this post the …
3 Reasons Why A Guy Will Never Like You No Matter What You Do
Have you ever felt that a guy who seems to like you at first ends up not wanting to be with you despite all your efforts to make him fall for you? No matter what you do, what you say, how nice you are to him, he just doesn’t seem to want to be romantically …